To imbibe the leadership skills and induce the change management effectively, Coach Guru invites corporate, SMEs and individuals for Leadership Change Management Programs to be held in Delhi and Mumbai. The programs include three different sessions on communications, management and leadership hosted by Suman Singh, Dr. Mark Devolder and John Mattone respectively.
Coach Guru endeavours to enable the aspiring managers and leaders with expert know how about the growth strategies, leadership programs, company culture & entrepreneurial development empowerment for all.
- Transformational Communication by Suman Singh Leadership Coach on 29th April, 2017 (Delhi)
To build extensive interpersonal skills, communication plays a vital role. Leadership Change Management Programs helps all to explore various aspects of effective communication including:
- Adapting and adopting a new way of communicating
- Acquiring vital skills to help develop trust
- Practicing through dialogues rather not monologues
- Boosting healthy relationships by enhancing the agility and ability in interacting
- Holding crucial conversations hassle freely
- Giving and taking feedback (Ladder of Inference)
Multifold methodology of the program includes the following:
- Experiential Learning Cycle Modelis the foundation of the program. Reflection, sharing and discussion are essential elements of the program.
- Appreciative Inquirewill help the individuals explore their strengths and cope with change.
- Commitment Activitiestowards the end of the program help translate the learnings into action planS.
- Change and Leadership Program by Dr. Mark DeVolder – The Change Specialist On 5th May- 6th May 2017 (Delhi)
Leadership Change Management Programs focuses in inducing skills in harnessing the hurricane i.e. adapting boldly, nimbly, and quickly to extreme change. Mark would unveil straightforward strategies for producing dramatic results for the organization.
This interactive program would help aspirants to:
- Learn the competitive advantage of adaptability, agility, flexibility, decisiveness in order to seize new opportunities.
- Get engaged before engaging others.
- Foster the extraordinary mind-set and skills of change readiness throughout the entire organization.
- Learn why the hardest part of change is the transitions and discover strategies to successfully navigate change.
- Learn how to dramatically increase motivation and engagement through the pillars of engagement.
- Repeat the cycle of success with skills to adapt to adversity, overcome obstacles and reinvent yourself.
- Learn how to hold on to and improve the performance of star employees, as well as motivate and re-engage disengaged employees.
- Commit to being a role model for change and engage through skills, attitudes and behaviours.
- Deal effectively with resistance to change and communicate the rationale for change initiatives.
- Intelligent Leadership Immersion Retreat by John Mattone on 16th May – 18th May 2017 (Mumbai)
Leadership Change Management Programs, to be hosted by John Mattone, would help unlocking your full potential. Jane has coached over 200 C-Level executives in his Career including Late Steve Jobs and Roger Enrico, the former Chairman and CEO of Pepsico.
The objective of this program is to acquire aspirants:
- Immersive, personalized leadership development experience leveraging John Mattone’s coaching and content, peer learning, and deep personal introspection.
- Team-building beyond the classroom with intimate peer to peer and action-learning event.
- Explore and discover your core purpose and translate this learning into actionable steps that ignites your full potential.
- Discover the strength and vibrancy of your inner core and learn to translate this learning into driving greatness in your outer core
- Take the powerful Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI), to uncover the leadership traits that are working for you and against you
- Debrief your MLEI results in a private, 1-hour executive coaching session with John Mattone
- Complete the immersive experience with John Mattone’s proprietary post-retreat stakeholder survey
For more details & Register, visit